Nau mai haere mai!

Read more about what Rakaipaaka has been doing.

Te Iwi o rakaipaaka


Moumoukai te maunga, tu mai ra te whakaruruhau, te whare kōrero. E kore, kore e riro.

Waitirohia, te awa o Nūhaka, e rere ra Te Mātāpuna o Te ora

e kore e maroke Rakaipaaka te iwi, e noho ra Nga whare rau o Te Tāhinga o te ra, E kore e ngaro.

Tihei mauriora.

Ngāti Rakaipaaka Pou

The following pou (strategic goals) have been identified as what is important for our whānau of Ngāti Rakaipaaka.  Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka acknowledge the desires and aspirations of our whānau and have prioritised these to reflect our focus and commitment to strengthen through whakawhanaungatanaga, whakapapa, tikanga and our whenua.

Social Services

As of 2021, Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka started providing Social Services to the Nuhaka Community. With their dedicated and capable team, they have been able to connect and support whānau whanui.

Self - Isolating

Providing assistance to self-isolating whānau whanui that have tested positive or have been impacted by COVID-19.

Tamariki Services

Providing programs and essential learning skills including marae-based learning around tikanga and kawa.


Providing travel assistance for Health appointments and connecting whānau to support services.

Kaumatua Services

Providing assistance with essential everyday tasks and support with health checks as well as providing healthy meals & outings.