Housing, Taiao & Waterways Update 2 Day Wananga - Part 2

Tēna koutou whānaunga, whānau, whanui o Ngāti Rakaipaaka 

Come along and join us again on Saturday  30th July commencing 9 am and Sunday 31st July commencing 9 am.  We have 3 kaupapa happening these days.  If you are unable to join in person we will provide access to zoom chat hope to see you all in person or virtual. 

These are our kaupapa to be presented and we will be encouraging your participation:

  1. How urgent is housing for you in Nuhaka – Whānau and their land interests
  2. Nga Hua o Te Taiao (Rakaipaaka Resource Management Plan), is aimed at protecting, and developing sustainability in and around our Taiao
  3. Field excursion identifying issues impacting the health of the Ngati Rakaipaaka waterways, introduction to water monitoring tools, sites of significance visits

Click on the Zoom links below to register for this event.

Day 1 – 30 July 2022 Starts 9 am

Day 2 – 31 July 2022 Starts 9 am

When participating via Zoom we ask that you;

  1. Physically raise your hand or use the “raise hand” feature available in the participant panel.
  2. Mute your microphone when you’re not talking. This will help eliminate any feedback or background noise that can be heard in your environment.

How to mute & unmute
Audio Controls (click the ^ arrow next to Mute / Unmute): This allows you to change the microphone and speaker that Zoom is currently using on your computer, leave computer audio, and access the full audio settings.

How to use the raise your hand function
Click Raise Hand in the webinar controls.
The host will be notified that you’ve raised your hand.
If the host allows you to talk, you may be prompted to unmute yourself. While unmuted, your profile picture and name are displayed to the host and panellists. Only your name is displayed to other attendees.
Click Raise Hand in the webinar controls to lower it if needed. This will not mute you if you are unmuted.

Nau mai haere ma