What's happening in Nuhaka

Nuhaka Emergency Plan
Nuhaka Community Emergency Diaster Resilliance & 10 year Strategic Plan. We are proud to present the final version of the Nuhaka Community Emergency Diaster Resilliance

Community Wananga
Community Wananga Kia ora Whanau Whanui o Ngati Rakaipaaka, We are hosting a Community Wananga that will be held on Saturday 24th February 2024 at

Nuhaka River Road
Nuhaka River Road River Realignment Project We have our very own Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) that tells our story about our Ngati Rakaipaaka historical connection

Ka pai Kai!
Kapai Kai! Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka have introduced our very own “KAPAI KAI” Delivering a wholesome meal to our Kaumatua in Nuhaka every Friday evening

Pou Activities

Ngā Hua o te Taiao
Rakaipaaka Taiao Ngā Hua o te Taiao survey Your Thoughts Over the last year, we have continued to discuss and develop the Ngā Hua o

Te Mana o Te Wai
Te Mana o Te Wai We continue to grow and achieve our whanau aspirations for our Taiao Pou in partnership with the Ministry for the

Implementing Strategic Pou Aspirations
Implementing the Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka Strategic Pou Aspirations We are seeking to engage whanau to be a member of our Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka

Pou Update
This is what we’ve done POU UPDATE Over the last few years, Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka has been working tirelessly to implement the 5 pou.
Register Today!
If you are currently not registered. Do it today. It only takes a few minutes.
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Keeping Nuhaka Safe
Keeping Nuhaka Community Safe Keeping our Nuhaka Hapoori/Community Safe is the call from our whanau recently, subjected to a spate of vehicle conversions, brake-ins and

Nga Hua o Te Taiao o Rakaipaaka
Nga Hua o Te Taiao Rakaipaaka Kia ora e te whānau, Here is the version of the Ngā hua document that was presented at the

Taiao Wananga
Taiao Wananga Kia ora Whanau Whanui o Ngati Rakaipaaka, We are hosting a 2 Day Taiao wananga that will be held on Saturday 14 &

Housing Wananga
Housing Wananga Kia ora Whanau Whanui o Ngati Rakaipaaka, As a result of our Housing wananga held on Saturday 21st January 2023 at Kahungunu Marae

Notice of election
Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka Trust 2022 / 2023 Trustee and Tātau Tātau Representative Elections Confirmation of Declared Candidates JONES Eva PAEA Eldon Pakimana SMITH

Morere Hot Springs
Morere Springs Upgrade / Reshape We have our very own Cultural Values Assessment (CVA) that tells our story about our historical connection to the Morere

Holiday Program
Rakaipaaka Holiday Programs Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka run school holiday programs with a range of fun-filled activities for the tamariki to participate in. Registration and

2 Day Wananga
Housing, Taiao & Waterways Update 2 Day Wananga – Part 2 Tēna koutou whānaunga, whānau, whanui o Ngāti Rakaipaaka Come along and join us again

Anzac Day Service
ANZAC Day Service Staff Sergeant Willie Pomana and Liz Hunkin holding their tīpuna. Photographs of Hēmi Pōtatau and Uncle Tipene. This year the Anzac Day

Logo Stories
The Story of our logos In 2020 we engaged the whānau, beneficiaries and registered members of Rakaipaaka who have artist skills and abilities to form

Wairoa Community Committee Table
Wairoa Localised Commissioning Agency It is with great pleasure that we have been informed of the successful appointment of Wiremu Ropitini on the Wairoa Community
Latest Panui

August 2023
Coming Soon!