Implementing the Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka Strategic Pou Aspirations
We are seeking to engage whanau to be a member of our Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka 5 Strategic Pou committees.
Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka plan to enagage at least two whanau members to work alongside our Stategic Pou (SP) Leads and Trustees who have placed themselves based on their skills, ability and qualifications will be most valued to support and implement the activities of the SP and aspirations.
In 2018 Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka (TIOR) received funding from Te Puni Kokiri to review the 20 year old Strategic Plan and Legal Status. During 2018 and 2019 TIOR undertook to consult as widely and as often as possible resulting in 18 wananga held, 14 in the kainga and 4 a motu, with our Ngati Rakaipaaka whanau whanui.
As a result, it was determined that whanau wanted to ensure that there would be a more focused approach for them to be sustainable for their current and future generations.
Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka achieved their goal and now have a ne Strategic Direction, a connection to their Treaty of Waitangi Settlement interests and our legal status TIORI has recently undergone a review and will be voted on with our elections coming up at the end of the year.
Next Steps
The Ngati Rakaipaaka Whanau Whanui agreed that Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka should consider involving Whanau to assist with the implementation of the SP, to have a say in their Socail, Environmental Economic, Cultural and Organisations developement.
(DRAFT) - Strategic Pou Terms of Reference - TIORT / TIORI Group
All whanau / Registered Beneficiaries of Ngati Rakaipaaka are thriving’ economically, socially, spiritually, environmentally, and culturally.
Local, Regional, Intersectoral, and Interagency leaders, Ngati Rakaipaaka Iwi , Hapu, Marae who make the decisions that have a bearing on whanau of the Nuhaka / Ngati Rakaipaaka Hapoori, whanau, and Beneficiaries.
Meeting Frequency
Pou committees will meet quarterly on the 3rd Wednesday of each quarterly month and as required.
United leadership for a ‘joined-up community-led, Government-partnered approach to community design, investment and decision-making that will influence’ all whanau members across the registered, yet to be registered, affiliates of the Ngati Rakaipaaka tribe and Nuhaka Hapoori to be thriving’ economically, socially, spiritually, environmental and culturally.
The decision-makers meet monthly to facilitate the development of a program of work that supports and enables ‘all whanau members across the registered, yet to be registered, affiliates of the Ngati Rakaipaaka tribe and Nuhaka Hapoori to thrive’.
Shift a well-informed single-oversight group that knows about the initiatives and services that engage with whanau and what is working well. Distinguishes what are the gaps and barriers and opportunities to improve outcomes in order for whanau to thrive.
To drive forward change in the health and social sector, de-clutter and reduce duplication of services and initiatives.
All investment models and strategies that reference Ngati Rakaipaaka are led, informed, and operationalized by ‘Ngati Rakaipaaka voice, our voice’.
Appraise all new regional, and central government initiatives that come into the Nuhaka Hapoori to ensure these align with the overarching aspirations.
This is who we are
This is holding on to who we are as Rakaipaaka
this is encompassing/embracing everyone
This is us Ngati Rakaipaaka flourishing
This is what we've achieved
Approved received confirming we are a Social Service Accreditation Standard Level 2 Organisation to deliver “Family Support Services”, (Manaaki Putea Grant & Application), Provided an opportunity for whanau to receive some financial address issues they may be faced with; Scholarship/s discussions to support our Tamariki/Mokopuna attend Scots College in Wellington; Providing Kapai Kai weekly to our Kaumatua living in the kainga; Influencing drinking water filter systems to be installed in every home in Nuhaka and throughout the rohe o te Wairoa; Papakainga housing workshops /wananga are organised and held; investigating the processes to become a Rural Community Housing Provider.
Encouraging Our Marae to participate in a collective Insurance survey presented by Tatau; Marae Funding products are continually shared; Influenced support through the Three Water Reforms to provide drinking water filters to be installed at all of our Marae in the kainga and throughout te rohe o Te Wairoa; Social Services Level 2 accreditation will have a positive effect on our identity and matauranga for our natural resources; We continue to secure access to our maunga; instigating the set up of a Kaunihera.
Our DSPs are almost back with us; A plan is under construction to engage the writing of a business plan help us make sustainable decisions; Conversations are happening with key stakeholders as we seek resources to create employment in and around our Taiao; Discussions have commenced to become a Rural Community Housing Provider.
Morere Hotsprings is under discussions with DoC to confirm future development and reshaping plans whanau are wanting to happen; We have received some awesome feedback for the review of our Resource Management Plan (RMP) and we are finalising a new (RMP Nga Hua o Te Taiao- October 2021); Leana Barriball is highly regarded in the Taiao space and we have her engaging with us and sitting as our Rep on the Tatau o Te Wairoa Taiao Committee; Our Pou Lead continues to be visible in and around our Taiao, influencing Matauranga, Mana Motuhake over our natural resources.
Engaging a Business plan writer to help us do things sustainably is under construction; Our DSPs are almost back with us; Manaaki Putea Grant and application was available to apply to if whanau were in need of some financial help, We have the safe policies and procedures in place; We have the capable staff implementing our whanau aspirations; We continue to seek capability and capacity to assist us to make due diligent decisions.
Which Committee would you like to support?
Manaaki Whanau
Pou Goverance Group
Lead – Pauline Symes
Internal Support/s – Graeme Symes & Shanan Symes & Jayell Smith
External Support/s – TeAo Rore
Whanau Aspirations
- Owning their own homes
- Increasing their household incomes
- Better access to services
- Be Healthy
- Helping to implement the pou
Ngati Rakaipaakatanga
Pou Goverance Group
Lead – Pauline Symes
Internal Support/s – Graeme Symes & Katarena Smith & Jayell Smith
External Support/s – TeAo Rore
Whanau Aspirations
- Provide forums for whakapapa, tikanga, kawa & historical korero iniatives
- Establish a kaumatua council
- Marae whakairo restoration, kaitiakitanga, maintenance/restoration, business ventures
- Helping to implement the pou
Whai Rawa
Pou Goverance Group
Lead – Shanan Symes
Internal Support/s – Pauline Symes & Eva Jones
External Support/s – TBC
Whanau Aspirations
- Creating a business model/business operationto create funds/wealth for use in other Pou and/or distributions to whanau
- Creating opportunities for whanau to upskill themselves to enable them to create their own busineses
- Helping to implement to pou
Pou Goverance Group
Lead – Graeme Symes
Internal Support/s – Shanan Symes & Jayell Smith
External Support/s – George Rarere & Tony Hawkins
Whanau Aspirations
- Acquire funds and resources to support Taiao initives
- Pest Management, ripian planting & fencing
- Cleaning up our awa and tributary waterways and monitoring
- Establish a native plant nursey to provide for ripian planting and reintroduction of native plants in and around our village environment
- Creating employment, higher learning & qualification
- Helping to implement the pou
Our Organisation
Pou Goverance Group
Lead – Pauline Symes
Internal Support/s – Shanan Symes & Eva Jones
External Support/s – TBC
Whanau Aspirations
- Connecting whanau to services that meet their needs
- Secure Trustee/Governance models, Staff/Operational models