Kapai Kai!
Te Iwi o Rakaipaaka have introduced our very own “KAPAI KAI” Delivering a wholesome meal to our Kaumatua in Nuhaka every Friday evening for the small cost of $8
The menu changes every week and you get a choice to have rewana bread and soup with this for no extra cost. So if you have a nan, papa, koro, grandad, or grandma in our Rohe and you want to make sure they’re eating at least one good meal, HOOK THEM UP!!!
Please keep in mind this service is to cater for our whānau in Nuhaka and this also gives us the opportunity to check in on our kaumatua.
We have been so overwhelmed with the messages of support and your wonderful gestures of giving to keep our Kapai Kai kaupapa going for our Kaumatua. Being able to provide them with a delivered, nutritious meal once a week, provides us with the ability to keep connecting with them and checking on their wellbeing and also a gesture of reciprocating the kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga our Kaumatua have provided to our Community, our Whānau, each of us in some way throughout their lives.
As we have received huge interest from whānau wanting to donate toward this kaupapa and we apologise to those who have been wanting to donate since the beginning of this kaupapa.
We just needed to think about how safely we could make this happen, given the scamming, that happens on a daily basis.
Therefore, if you could email us or Facebook private message us, we can provide you with our donation details and references that way.
We thank you whānau whanui for your wonderful thoughts, love and kindness.
This is true Ngāti Rakaipaakatanga.

We have internet banking or cash payment available. If you wish to make an order please ring us on 8378885 or email info@ngatirakaipaaka.iwi.nz.